Thursday, March 22, 2012

minggu 4:networking

what is computer networking ??
-connecting a computer with other computer or other devices to enable them to communicate with each other .
It can be :
 -Computer devices/equipment
transmission media to send/control data/signals,
Communication devices to transmit/send data from sources to destinations

There are several types of this LAN based geographic :
1.LAN-local area network
2.MAN-Metropolitan area network
3.WAN-Wide area network

And then we go to network component .We can categorise it into 5 component . 

-Refers to data sources and destination .
examples-workstation,personal computer,terminals,automatic teller machine

2.Transmission Media
-used to transmit data in a networked enviroment
-transmit pulse through a medium
-there are 2 types of it, bounded and unbounded

Bounded-twisted pair wire,co-axial cable,fiber optic cable
Unbounded-AM and FM radio,TV broadcasting,Microwave signal

3.Network Electronic Devices
-Devices that control data transmission from sources to destination
-Also act as interface between different transmission media

Examples-Bridges,Hub,Routers,Multiplexers,Gateway,Private Branch

-a network operating system (NOS)
-control data transmission,a network & it message,traffic and queues .
-provide certain administrative function,including security

5.Network Architecture Standards
-Standard to enable devices made by different companies to work/communicate with each other 
-Blueprint of standard for a network consisting of item such as choices of media,media interface,encoding method and transmission protocol.
-Needed to ensure interoperability between various devices and equipment made by different vendors .   

Thursday, March 15, 2012

minggu ketiga:data communication

Data communication ? 
-Data Communications is the transfer of data or information between a source and a receiver. The source transmits the data and the receiver receives it. The actual generation of the information is not part of Data Communications nor is the resulting action of the information at the receiver. Data Communication is interested in the transfer of data, the method of transfer and the preservation of the data during the transfer process.
Modem ?
-Modem, device that converts between analog and digital signals. Digital signals, which are used by computers, are made up of separate units, usually represented by a series of 1's and 0's. Analog signals vary continuously; an example of an analog signal is a sound wave.
Modems are often used to enable computers to communicate with each other across telephone lines. A modem converts the digital signals of the sending computer to analog signals that can be transmitted through telephone lines. When the signal reaches its destination, another modem reconstructs the original digital signal, which is processed by the receiving computer.
To convert a digital signal to an analog one, the modem generates a carrier wave and modulates it according to the digital signal. The process of receiving the analog signal and converting it back to a digital signal is called demodulation. The word "modem" is a contraction of its two basic functions: modulation and demodulation.

Amplitude , Period and Frequency 
-Amplitude (A): how high the peaks are or how low the troughs are, in meters.
The displacement is how far the wave vibrates / oscillates about its equilibrium (center) position.
Amplitude is correlated with the total energy of the system in periodic motion. Larger amplitude = greater energy.
Period (T): the time it takes for one cycle, in seconds.
Frequency (f): the rate, or how many cycles per second, in Hertz (cycles per second)

Coaxial Cable
-It consists of 2 conductors. The inner conductor is held inside an insulator with the other conductor woven around it providing a shield. An insulating protective coating called a jacket covers the outer conductor.
The outer shield protects the inner conductor from outside electrical signals. The distance between the outer conductor (shield) and inner conductor plus the type of material used for insulating the inner conductor determine the cable properties or impedance. Typical impedances for coaxial cables are 75 ohms for Cable TV, 50 ohms for Ethernet Thinnet and Thicknet. The excellent control of the impedance characteristics of the cable allow higher data rates to be transferred than Twisted Pair cable.

Optical Fibre
- consists of thin glass fibres that can carry information at frequencies in the visible light spectrum and beyond. The typical optical fibre consists of a very narrow strand of glass called the Core. Around the Core is a concentric layer of glass called the Cladding. A typical Core diameter is 62.5 microns (1 micron = 10-6 meters). Typically Cladding has a diameter of 125 microns. Coating the cladding is a protective coating consisting of plastic, it is called the Jacket.

Data Transmission
-The physical connection determines how many bits (1's or 0's) can be transmitted at a single instance of time. If only 1 bit of information can be transmitted over the data transmission medium at a time then it is considered a Serial Communication.

If more than 1 bit of information is transmitted over the data transmission medium at a time then it is considered a Parallel Communication. 

Data Flow
Data flow is the flow of data between 2 points. The direction of the data flow can be described as:
Simplex: data flows in only one direction on the data communication line (medium). Examples are Radio and Television broadcasts. They go from the TV station to your home television.

Half-Duplex: data flows in both directions but only one direction at a time on the data communication line. Ex. Conversation on walkie-talkies is a half-duplex data flow. Each person takes turns talking. If both talk at once - nothing occurs!

Full-Duplex: data flows in both directions simultaneously. Modems are configured to flow data in both directions. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Minggu kedua:Web Searching

example of web browser
A web browser can be defined as an application software or programme designed to enable users to access,retrieve and view documents and other resources on the internet .the example of web browser is like google chrome,mozilla firefox and safari.

Search engine
search engine is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web .The information may consist of web pages,images,information and other types of files
search engine

Skill to know
There are some skill that we had to know in term of improving ourselves as a internet user .when we open files,it will be on certain format such as pdf,html,jpg,gif,txt and so on .We must know the uses of certain button in the web such as refresh,back and forward . The knowledge of bookmarking,clear cache,clear history,clear URL and setting default page must be know by the user too,to make sure that we can maximise the usage of the internet .

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Minggu pertama:telekomunikasi dan rangkaian

model shannnon weaver
oke .telekomunikasi ? di mana asal perkataan ini ?  kita selalu sebutnya di dalam kehidupan seharian,tapi tahukah anda di mana asalnya perkataan ini ? telekomunikasi berasal dari perkataan Perancis " tĂ©lĂ©communication" .Ianya ialah hasil gabungan dari perkataan greek iaitu tele yang bermaksud jauh dan juga perkataan latin communicare iaitu berkongsi .Perkataan Perancis Telecommunication pertama kali digunakan pada 1904 oleh seorang jurutera yang juga seorang novelis Perancis yang bernama Eduard Estaunie .Manakala untuk rangkaian pula,ianya bermaksud penyambungan antara dua buah komputer atau lebih .Jadi dapat dirumuskan,dalam telekomunikasi dan rangkaian ni ianya bertujuan untuk macam mana kita nak berhubungan dengan orang lain dan mendalami dengan lebih mengenai telekomunikasi ini . oke ini antara model komunikasi yang dapat saya berikan .. 

Terdapat 6 elemen utama di dalam komputer dan teknologi komunikasi ni .
3)Data / Information
6)Communication / connectivity

-keenam-enam elemen ni sangat lah penting dan ketiadaan salah satu darinya akan besar mempengaruhi kepada struktur komputer dan teknologi komunikasi ini .