Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Minggu kedua:Web Searching

example of web browser
A web browser can be defined as an application software or programme designed to enable users to access,retrieve and view documents and other resources on the internet .the example of web browser is like google chrome,mozilla firefox and safari.

Search engine
search engine is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web .The information may consist of web pages,images,information and other types of files
search engine

Skill to know
There are some skill that we had to know in term of improving ourselves as a internet user .when we open files,it will be on certain format such as pdf,html,jpg,gif,txt and so on .We must know the uses of certain button in the web such as refresh,back and forward . The knowledge of bookmarking,clear cache,clear history,clear URL and setting default page must be know by the user too,to make sure that we can maximise the usage of the internet .